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Moeller Recognized with IAWA Iowa Watershed Impact...

Shannon Moeller, Project Coordinator, Iowa Seed Corn Cover Crop Initiative, Iowa Seed Association

Shannon Moeller, the project coordinator for the Iowa Seed Corn Cover Crop Initiative, is honored with the new Impact award from the Iowa Agriculture Water Alliance (IAWA) as part of the third annual Iowa Watershed Awards program.

Moeller was honored with five other watershed coordinators for their multitude of contributions and steadfast dedication to improving water quality across the state.

Moeller is currently helping Iowa seed corn producers adopt cover crops while also simultaneously advancing the objectives of the statewide Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy (NRS) through the
Iowa Seed Corn Cover Crops Initiative.

Improving Water Quality with Cover Crops on Seed Corn Acres

Before handling this cover crops project with seed corn growers, Moeller was the project coordinator for the Benton/Tama nutrient reduction watershed project.

“Working with farmers and landowners to adopt conservation practices that improve water quality across Benton and Tama counties was a great experience for my current project with the Iowa Seed Association (ISA),” she says. “Helping seed corn growers use cover crops across the entire state is very rewarding.”

Since this project began in 2016, Moeller has worked with seed companies to educate and encourage farmers to seed cover crops following seed field harvest. “Before this project began, only 5 to 10% of seed corn acres in the state had cover crops. In 2019, I worked with over 200 growers in the program covering 30% of Iowa’s seed acres, with some areas close to 75%,” she says.

In addition, more than 50 growers have expanded cover crop use on their commercial corn (non-seed corn) acres, which also helps to meet the goals of the Iowa NRS, she adds.

In 2019, ISA and the Iowa Seed Corn Cover Crop Initiative partnered with the Iowa Ag Radio Network to co-host a series of field days for the Row Crop Run in the summer and fall. Moeller, through her efforts at field days and seed meetings, has made a big difference in helping farmers understand the soil health and water quality benefits provided by cover crops. She shares that growers get excited when they see visible improvements in soil structure, as well as less erosion and runoff.

“After four years, it’s exciting for me to share the successes and challenges, from farmer to farmer,” she says. “So many farmers are now calling me for advice, which is an honor and a privilege.”

Success doesn’t stop there, as Moeller says she retains almost 100% of growers to continue growing cover crops year after year. “They are switching from basic covers like oats that winter-kill to more winter-hardy species like cereal rye and other seed blends designed to improve soil organic matter and water infiltration faster,” she says.

Partnership invaluable

Moeller is quick to point out the value of partnerships and mentors that help drive program success. “I pride myself in developing field days with value, and that includes talks by experienced cover crop farmers, along with involvement from local watersheds, NRCS, Iowa State University (ISU) Extension and Outreach, Practical Farmers of Iowa, Iowa Learning Farms, the Iowa Agriculture Water Alliance, Soil Health Partnership, and many others,” she says.

The Iowa Seed Association developed the Iowa Seed Corn Cover Crop Initiative project in conjunction with the Agribusiness Association of Iowa, Iowa Farm Bureau Federation, and Iowa Corn. A grant from the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship (IDALS) under their Clean Water Iowa Initiative provides funding for the project. Some seed companies also provide cover crops cost-share assistance.

To help maintain momentum for her work, Moeller will receive funding through the Iowa Watershed Award to apply to the Iowa Seed Corn Cover Crop Initiative, as well as funding for her own professional development. She recently added to her ISU Agronomy degree by becoming a Certified Crop Adviser in 2019, with the goal to never stop learning.

Iowa Seed Corn Cover Crop Initiative Primary Objectives

  • Directly engage seed corn companies to work with their growers on adopting cover crops
  • Increase the number of seed corn growers utilizing cover crops
  • Develop and deploy new strategic partnerships with agricultural retailers to provide turn-key services for growers to assist them with cover crop implementation
  • Develop and distribute educational and informational materials primarily targeted to entry-level audiences to provide more focus on beginning cover crop user needs
  • Hold demonstration field days and grower meetings to provide information and advice designed to equip farmers with the resource support needed for successful establishment and management of cover crops

The Iowa Seed Corn Cover Crops Initiative focuses on ways to help increase the adoption of cover crops specifically within the seed corn production system in Iowa. The focus on seed corn is driven by the unique opportunity that seed corn provides due to the earlier harvest, thereby providing better timing opportunities for establishing cover crops in the late summer and fall after harvest. This focus is also heavily driven by the seed corn industry in Iowa, and their efforts to help promote and support the use of cover crops as part of Iowa’s Nutrient Strategy.

Find out how you can become a part of the Initiative or start cover crops on your seed corn acres at

FieldWatch® Launches New Program Helping Applicato...

Pesticide applicators in Iowa can now know in near real-time where seed field workers are active. 

Those registered with the FieldWatch system through the state of Iowa as an applicator now have access to SeedFieldCheck reporting, which shows where field workers are currently active and where seed companies plan to have active workers in the following 24 hours. 

The new functionality is integrated into the existing FieldWatch crop and the apiary registry. It will help seed companies more effectively communicate the location and presence of seed field workers to pesticide applicators. The information will be available in near real-time allowing seed companies the ability to make edits and update plans quickly and replace the endless circulation of emails and paper or electronic maps to targeted applicators.

With the addition of seed field workers to the FieldWatch system, the state of Iowa has a “one-stop-shop” for applicators to find information about sensitive crops, apiaries, and seed field workers. 

SeedFieldCheck is a pilot project launched in the state of Iowa by the Iowa Seed Association, Iowa Agricultural Aviation Association, and FieldWatch®

More information about the pilot program:

ISA encourages all commercial applicators to register with FieldWatch®. Companies and pesticide applicators who are currently registered with FieldWatch® will need to specifically add the SeedFieldCheck capability. This will allow a full report of sensitive crops, apiaries, and active field workers to registered users.

Companies currently participating in reporting field workers include Bayer, Becks, Corteva, Remington Seeds, and Syngenta.

For questions, please contact Joan O’Brien at 515-262-8323 or via email at href="joanoatagribizdotorg" target="_blank">joanoatagribizdotorg.

Help Applicators Keep Field Workers Safe

Pesticide applicators can now know in near real-time where seed field workers are active.

Those registered with the FieldWatch system through the state of Iowa as an applicator now have access to SeedFieldCheck reporting which shows where field workers are currently active and where seed companies plan to have active workers in the following 24 hours. 

The new functionality is integrated into the existing FieldWatch crop and apiary registry and will help seed companies more effectively communicate the location and presence of seed field workers to pesticide applicators. The information will be available in near real-time allowing seed companies the ability to make edits and update plans quickly and replace the endless circulation of emails and paper or electronic maps to targeted applicators. 

With the addition of seed field workers to the FieldWatch system, the state of Iowa has a “one-stop-shop” for applicators to find information about sensitive crops, apiaries, and seed field workers.

SeedFieldCheck is a pilot project launched in the state of Iowa by the Iowa Seed Association, Iowa Agricultural Aviation Association, and FieldWatch®

More information about the pilot program:

Companies and pesticide applicators who are currently registered with FieldWatch will need to specifically add the SeedFieldCheck capability. This will allow a full report of sensitive crops, apiaries, and active field workers to registered users.

Companies currently participating in reporting field workers include Bayer, Becks, Corteva, Remington, and Syngenta.

For questions, please contact Joan O’Brien at 515-262-8323 or via email joanoatagribizdotorg  (joanoatagribizdotorg)  . Thank You.

Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardshi...

Governor Reynolds extended the end date of the COVID-19 Emergency Declaration to April 30, 2020. As part of that decision, additional declaration language was added regarding commercial pesticide applicators who are not currently certified.

The declaration provides an opportunity for companies to hire new applicators during the Emergency Declaration period using the private applicator exam. See the full press release from the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship for details.
The association has been working diligently with Governor Reynolds and Secretary Naig on the commercial pesticide applicator certification issue.
We would like to thank the Governor and Secretary for their leadership in providing a solution in these difficult circumstances and continuing to recognize it is in the vital interest of the state and the country that the food production system in the United States remains as uninterrupted as possible.

Additional Information

The COVID-19 pandemic has created delays in processing and mailing pesticide applicator cards and certifications. Applicators can view the status of their certifications on the Department’s public search portal.
For more information, contact the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship’s Pesticide Bureau at pesticidesatiowaagriculturedotgov  (pesticidesatiowaagriculturedotgov)   or 515-281-8591.

Scholarships and Recognitions Highlighted at Annua...

This year, seven $1,000 “Iowa Seed Scholarships” are awarded. One of these students is also selected as the “Manjit Misra Outstanding Senior Scholar,” and will receive $500 in addition to the $1,000 seed scholarship.

Bill Latham Memorial Scholarship

For the fifth year, the ISA will also award the $1,000 “Bill Latham” Memorial Scholarship in his honor. Bill was a former president of the Iowa Seed Association, the American Seed Trade Association (ASTA), the Independent Professional Seed Association (IPSA), and was a former President of his family company, Latham Seed. Bill passed away in 2015.

Lisa Shepherd Jenkins Memorial Scholarship

For the fourth time, the “Lisa Shepherd Jenkins” Memorial Scholarship is awarded by the ISU Seed Science Center to an undergraduate student engaged in seed science and seed technology. The $1,000 scholarship honors Lisa who served as Seed Health Testing Coordinator for the Seed Science Center and as Co-Director of the Administrative Unit of the National Seed Health System. Lisa headed one of the most active phytosanitary seed testing programs in the country and served as a chair on committees for both the American Seed Trade Association and the American Phytopathological Society. Lisa passed away in 2015.

Iowa Seed Association Scholarships

Louis Burton
Rogers, Minnesota
Son of Chad and Lisa Burton

He is a junior in agricultural business. Louis works at the ISU Seed Science Center where he has developed an interest in the seed business. He has completed internships at Domnick Seeds (a Dekalb Asgrow dealership) in western Minnesota, and CHS Co-op, also in western Minnesota. He hopes to work as a sales agronomist after graduation with the opportunity to work with farmers on a day-to-day basis. Louis has been on the dean’s list four of the five semesters he has attended Iowa State. He is also a member of the Agricultural Business Club.

Madeline Frischmeyer
Reinbeck, Iowa
Daughter of Chris and Julie Frischmeyer

Madeline is a junior in Agronomy with a Seed Science secondary major. Madeline has spent time working at Pioneer and Heartland and will be doing field-exploration this summer with Syngenta as a corn production intern. Madeline is actively involved in the ISU Farm Operations Club, where she has served as secretary and volunteers to help her fellow students who have special needs. She has received two academic scholarships based on her GPA of 3.7 or above and has been awarded recognition on the Dean’s list. She says she is interested in the field of seed science because she knows it is a field where her education will never stop.

Malcolm St. Cyr
Washington, DC.
Son of Donna Tracey and Alioune Badara M’Backe’

He is a freshman in Agronomy. Malcolm grew up in Senegal, West Africa in a farming community. Malcolm worked as a farm laborer for 10 years where he watched the impact that limited food yields have on an entire community. This experience has fueled his interest in Agronomy. He says seeds, along with soil are the foundation of agricultural sciences. He is an APEX Scholar and was selected to attend the Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Related Sciences Conference last semester. He is actively involved in several campus organizations and will be presenting at two conferences over the next year. Malcolm says he is interested in the science applied to seed selection, breeding, and the seed industry. He hopes to someday help the community he grew up in, as well as assist with solving international and regional food quality, security, and systems problems.

Haley Stahl
Marshalltown, Iowa
Daughter of Jon and Julie Stahl

She is a junior in Agronomy with a Seed Science secondary major. Haley studies in agronomy strongly emphasize seed science, crop development and funding, and management decisions and considerations within the seed industry. She has spent a considerable amount of time studying and identifying multiple varieties of seeds and plants, impacts on yield, and the genetics behind producing grain. She is an active member of the Agronomy Club and has worked as a research assistant and research intern for Beck’s Hybrids. She says these experiences have enabled her to utilize her classroom knowledge in a practical setting. She also plans to eventually pursue a graduate degree in seed science. In the future, she hopes to develop new ways to help the seed industry succeed and work to develop seed technologies to help plant breeders create better lines.
Lisa Shepherd Jenkins Scholarship

Brandyn Chapman
Ames, Iowa

Brandyn previously received his B.S. in agricultural studies and has returned to school to earn another degree in Horticulture. Brandyn started working at the Iowa State University Seed Science Center in the fall of 2012 as a student. Post-graduation in 2015 he served as production management supervisor trainee at Remington Seeds in Hastings Minnesota. After completion of that program, he decided to return to Iowa State University, and eventually to the Seed Science Center where he has been for three years working as a Seed Analyst III. He volunteers his time assisting Dr. Susana Goggi with her Agronomy 338 lab every fall semester. He says hopes to someday be in a student advising position which involves teaching opportunities. Whether it is in the lab, or in the field, or in the classroom, Brandyn has a robust love and passion for plant science.

Bill Latham Memorial Scholarship
Erin Stichter
Erie, Illinois
Daughter of Brandon and Casey Stichter

She is a junior in Agronomy. Erin has interned in seed corn production at Wyffel’s Hybrids where she experienced production of seed corn, field operations, bulk seed processing, warehousing, and distribution. She also works in the ISU soybean breeding research lab where she has gained insight on the development of new seed genetics. Erin served as a delegate to the National American Society of Agronomy – Students of Agronomy, Soils and Environmental Sciences conference just this past November where her research, based on assessing the potential for soybean yield improvement through plant architectural modification, achieved second place in the National Darrel S. Metcalfe Journalism Contest. She says this experience is a prime example of the outstanding opportunities Iowa State offers to supplement education and learning in and out of the classroom environment.

Manjit Misra Outstanding Senior Award & Iowa Seed Association Scholarship
Eric Heick
West Branch, Iowa
Son and Russell Heick

Eric is senior in Agronomy. Last year he received the Bill Latham Memorial Scholarship. Eric works at the Seed Science Center with Alan Gaul which he says has confirmed his interest in seed conditioning. He has also interned with Syngenta Parent Seed in Slater where he assisted with planting, standing counts, and detasseling. He has been on the ISU Dean’s list from the fall of 2017 to the fall of 2019, a member of the University Honors Program, served as secretary of the Ag Markets Club, and a member of the Agronomy Club. His goal is to graduate debt-free with a double major in agronomy and seed science in just 4 years. He would like to work in Seed Corn Production and is considering attending graduate school.

IowaSeed Forum Announces Speakers

photo by Shannon Moeller

Wednesday, February 12, 2020
Iowa State Fairgrounds
Varied Industries Building
9:00 – 9:20
Iowa Seed Annual Meeting and Honorary Member Award

9:20 – 9:35
John Latham, Latham Hi-Tech Seed
ASTA Update

Iowa Ag Secretary Mike Naig, IDALS
Iowa Update

10:05 – 10:35
Dave Tierney, Bayer CropScience
Addressing Iowa legislative/issues update and glyphosate update

Stephanie Regagnon, FieldWatch CEO
2020 Overview

11:05 – 11:45
Dr. Chad Hart, ISU

Lunch and scholarship recognition to follow forum, view conference information at

Iowa Seed Golf & Education

Wednesday, June 26, 2019
Veenker Memorial Golf Course

Ames, Iowa

Download Registration Form Here (PDF)

Instructions: Attendees visiting the Seed Science Center are asked to park at the Memorial Union on Lincoln Way and walk to the Seed Science Center.

It’s a 10 to 15-minute walk from the parking lot. Please arrive early to park and attend the session on time. Google maps walking directions from the parking lot:

Schedule of Events:

9:00 AM               Check-in | ISU Seed Center, coffee and refreshments

9:15 AM              
Dr. Chad Hart, Associate Professor of Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics

Topic: The latest on tariff and trade issues with QA session

10:15 AM           
Dr. Kan Wang, Professor Plant Biotechnology, Co-Director Crop Bioengineering Center

Topic: The CRISPR Technology with QA session

11:00 AM*          Check-in for golfers who did not attend morning sessions (*at Golf Course)

11:15 AM            Tour of Seed Lab (optional) and depart for luncheon at Veenker Clubhouse

11:30 AM            Luncheon at clubhouse

12:00 PM             Golf Shotgun Start


From Memorial Union parking to Veenker Clubhouse

Addresses to Know:

Memorial Union, ISU Campus, 2229 Lincoln Way, Ames, IA 50012
Seed Science Center, 2115 Osborn Drive, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 50011
Veenker Memorial Golf Course, 2916, Veenker Dr, Ames, IA 50011


Joan O’Brien, Iowa Seed Association Office
joanoatagribizdotorg  (joanoatagribizdotorg)   or 515-262-8323\

Register Today!

Download Registration Form Here (PDF)

Please return to :

Email: JoanOatagribizdotorg

Mail: Iowa Seed Association 900 Des Moines St, Des Moines, IA 50309

Cornelius Named 2019 ISA Board President

Chuck Cornelius, Cornelius Seed

Des Moines, IA – The Iowa Seed Association (ISA) named Chuck Cornelius of Bellevue, Iowa, as 2019 Board President during the 2019 ISA annual meeting in Des Moines. The full 2019 board was confirmed and announced on February 13. The association also held the annual Iowa Seed Forum prior to the annual meeting.

Cornelius is currently the President and Production Manager of Cornelius Seed Company in Bellevue, Iowa. Chuck joined the family business after graduating from Iowa State University with a degree in Agronomy, extending the company’s family-owned heritage to the 5th generation.

Also rising in the ranks of the ISA board is Chris Latham of Latham Hi-Tech Seeds, named 1st Vice President and Randy Ramundt of Bayer CropScience, named 2nd Vice President. 2018 ISA President Jim Webster of Corteva Agriscience moved to Past President and will help on the board for one final year.

Each seat on the ISA serves a three-year term until the term either expires or the board member is nominated to the leadership track to become board president. Newly added to the board of directors include Brooke Achenbach of Syngenta and Terry Garner of BASF. Both Achenbach and Garner will serve on the ISA board until 2022.

Full board contact information can be accessed here 

Full Board of Directors Listing

Brooke Achenbach, Syngenta

Adam Anderson, Corteva Agriscience

Jim Anderson, Remington Seeds, LLC

Jeremiah Andorf, Bayer CropsScience

Chuck Cornelius, Cornelius Seed Company 2019 President

Terry Garner, BASF

Chris Latham, Latham Hi-Tech Seeds  – 1st Vice President

Randy Ramundt, Bayer CropScience – 2nd Vice President

Jim Rouse, Iowa Crop Improvement Association

Tom Severson, Agvantage FS

Jim Webster, Corteva Agriscience – Past President

Dr. Manjit Misra, Iowa Seed Science Center Director – Appointed


The Iowa Seed Association strives to promote the seed industry, research pertaining to the betterment of agriculture, and to cooperate with educational and regulatory authorities in the development of a sound and effective seed program for the advancement of agriculture.



Goggi Honored for Seed Industry Dedication and Ach...

Dr. Susana Goggi Named 2019 Iowa Seed Association Honorary Member

An Iowa State University professor is the recipient of the 2019 Iowa Seed Association (ISA) Honorary Membership Award.  Dr. Susana Goggi, Professor of Agronomy, has dedicated her life to addressing major seed quality issues confronting the seed industry in Iowa and globally.

“Dr. Goggi has demonstrated great dedication to the improvement and support of the Iowa seed industry,”  said Jim Webster, ISA board president. “Her entire career has been focused on delivery of quality seeds and the education of people that conduct the research, produce the seed or sell the seeds that benefit the nation’s farmers.”

Webster emphasizes Goggi’s impact on future seed professionals through her teaching. Dr. Goggi has trained more than 25 Master’s degree and Ph.D. students and has taught seed physiology and science to hundreds of undergraduate and graduate students in class.

“The influence she has on our young people through her Seed Science and Technology class will ensure the seed industry is prepared to meet the challenges of feeding a growing population,” said Webster.  “She has been a good partner to seed companies providing research and advice on seed quality issues.”

(left) Dr. Manjit Mirsa, ISU, accepts the 2019 Honorary Member Award on behalf of Dr. Susana Goggi, ISU, from 2018 ISA Board President Jim Webster for her dedication to the seed industry.

Goggi was recognized with the award, during the annual Seed Forum hosted by the Iowa Seed Association (ISA). The association annually partners with the Agribusiness Showcase and Conference in Des Moines to provide attending members with a wider range of learning and networking opportunities. The recipient of this award has been chosen every year since 1949, by the outgoing ISA board president.

“Over the years I have been impressed at the caliber of the recipients of this award,” Goggi said. “I am humbled, and at the same time ecstatic, to be recognized among these giants of the seed industry.”

Annually, Goggi leads an ISA committee with the selection process of scholarships which are awarded to Iowa State University students at the conference.  This year ten ISU students interested in pursuing seed science studies received scholarships.

“She recognizes the importance of quality seed as the foundational component in agriculture and has served with purpose, both directly and indirectly, to support the success of the seed industry and America’s farmers,” said Webster. “The Iowa Seed Association is honored to recognize her service.”

Original Post from ISU News

RSVP for ISA Cover Crop Workshop

Iowa Seed Association Cover Crop Workshop

Come hear from Deputy Secretary of Agriculture Julie Kenney and a farmer panel about how to make cover crops work in your operation.

Time & Location

Tuesday, January 29, 2019
5:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Mistress Brewing Company
1802 N Ankeny Blvd Suite 108
Ankeny, IA 50023, USA


5:00 – 6:00 PM

6:00 PM
Dinner Served

6:30 PM
Deputy Secretary of Agriculture Julie Kenney

6:45 PM
Farmer Panel

7:30 PM
Networking & Social Time

8:00 PM