Back row: Chris Latham, CFO Latham Seed Company; Daniel Korhonen; Michael Geissinger; Regan Pleggenkuhle; Eric Heick; John Latham, President Latham Seed Company. Front Row: Dr. Tom Brumm, ISU Agriculture & Biosystems Engineering; Yee Shuan Lai; Caryn Dawson; Karli Buckmeier; Chee Gang Ngui; Dr. Manjit Misra, Director of ISU Seed Science Center Not Pictured: Rachel Nordhoff; Tucker Gabriel
Eleven scholarships were given to ten Iowa State University (ISU) College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) students at the 2019 Agribusiness Showcase & Conference on February 13, in Des Moines, Iowa. Eight Iowa Seed Association (ISA) Scholarships of $1,000 each were awarded. One of ISA awarded students were selected as the Manjit Misra Outstanding Senior Scholar and received an additional $500 scholarship. The $1,000 Bill Latham Memorial Scholarship and the $1,000 Lisa Shepherd Jenkins Memorial Scholarship were also awarded at the ISA ceremony.
This ISA scholarship competition is awarded based on academic excellence, leadership skills, interpersonal skills, and interest in a career in the seed industry or seed science.
Michael Geissinger is also the recipient of the 2019 Manjit Misra Outstanding Senior Scholar $500 Scholarship. In his application, he states: “The key to feed 9.6 billion people in 2050 will be understanding the physiology of the seed and maximizing its potential to be grown into harvestable crops that can be used for (food), feed, fuel, and fiber”
He completed internships as forage management at WinField-United in Wisconsin and as Seed Sales rep in Ohio, and has worked as undergraduate research assistant in Dr. Singh’s soybean breeding program, and as Agronomy Intern at the Agricultural Research Station of the UW-Madison in Stratford, WI.
He received the American FFA Degree, Wisconsin FFA Star in Ag Business awards, and ISU Agronomy Academic fellowship; and was elected National SASES member relations officer. He is also Vice President of the ISU Agronomy club.
He seeks a career as a district seed sales manager specialized in alfalfa seed. He believes his diversified academic and internships background makes him uniquely qualified to attack the complex seed problems and their relation to food and feed.
Eric Heick was chosen as the 2019 recipient of the 4th annual Bill Latham Memorial Scholarship for $1,000. Heick is from West Branch, Iowa and a junior pursuing a double major in Agronomy and Seed Science. He is interested in a career in the areas of seed genetics and seed conditioning. He is an undergraduate student assistant in Alan Gaul’s seed conditioning program at the Seed Science Center.
Latham was a former president of the Iowa Seed Association, the American Seed Trade Association (ASTA), and the Independent Professional Seed Association (IPSA). He was also the former president of his family company, Latham Seed. Bill passed away on July 31, 2015.
Yee Shuan Lai from Malaysia was chosen as the third annual Lisa Shepherd Jenkins Scholar. Yee is a senior in Ecology and currently works at the ISU Seed Testing laboratory as an undergraduate assistant in germination and seed health testing.
She also works as a research assistant in Arabidopsis haploid induction at Dr. Lübberstedt laboratory in Agronomy Hall. She plans to pursue a master’s degree in seed science. The $1,000 Lisa Shepherd Jenkins Memorial Scholarship is awarded by the ISU Seed Science Center to an undergraduate student engaged in seed science and seed technology.
Shepherd Jenkins served as Seed Health Testing Coordinator for the Seed Science Center and as Director of the Administrative Unit of the National Seed Health System. She also headed one of the most active phytosanitary seed testing programs in the country and served as a chair on committees for both the American Seed Trade Association and the American Phytopathological Society.
Lisa passed away on July 1, 2015.
This scholarship competition is open to students in any major in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) at Iowa State University, and scholarships are awarded on the bases of four criteria:
Dr. Barb Clawson, Horticulture
Dr. Mark Gleason, Plant Pathology & Microbiology
Dr. Tom Brumm, Ag. & Biosystems Eng.
Dr. Susana Goggi, Agronomy & Seed Science Center, & Committee Chair
left to right: ISU CALS Dean Daniel Robison, Rachel Nordhoff of Boone, and Dr. Tom Brumm, Professor ISU ABE